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How To Make Each Day Count: A Checklist for Adventurepreneurs

Writer's picture: Tom FoxleyTom Foxley

True: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

But, that step must be in the direction of travel.

Plus, it helps if each step covers as much ground as possible.

Today, I’m going to show you how you cover as much ground as possible each and every day.

Because if you fail to make the most of every single day, you’ll end up looking back at yet another year of stagnation.

We’re going to cover:

  • Thriving in the most challenging situations

  • How to stop wasting time

  • When positivity won’t help you

  • Finding the right support

Preparing yourself for challenge

I used to share a house with an entrepreneur who taught me everything I needed to know about how not to run a business.

I would wake up at five in the morning, eager to begin my process of making that day maximally effective.

I would creep out into the sitting room and find him passed out on the sofa next to his laptop. A beer next to him & a cold pizza on the table.

His laptop would be open on his work.

He probably got to sleep three hours before I walked past him.

He’d wake up a few hours later and start self medicating with caffeine, ready for another day of procrastination followed by intense fear driven work in the wee hours.

Of course, it’s clear this isn’t functional.

But neither is any kind of behaviour where you don’t prioritise your body’s ability to regenerate.

When you allow your body to down-regulate (fancy language for chill out), you teach it to feel safe.

When it feels safe, you can engage with challenge effectively and with curiosity. This is how you thrive.

To make the most of every day, you’ve got to have a body that works for you, rather than against you.


Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance: the age old military maxim is true.

The guy I mentioned above had zero structure to his day.

He would allow panic to prioritise his actions.

As such, he spent all day firefighting. Which meant he never looked after himself by doing things that helped him in the long run.

Every single day was filled with emergencies.

You need enough structure in your days, weeks, and months, to feel certain that you’re doing the right things.

A good amount of structure allows you to adapt to the problems that need to be solved quickly, whilst still taking care of your future self.

That’s how you become maximally effective each day.

Master Your Inner Voice

If you listened to that inner voice all day, you’d never get anything done.

But if you never listened to it, you wouldn’t gain the self-knowledge needed to grow.

Someone who makes every single day count has a totally different approach to their inner voice.

They have learned to no longer be pushed around by it, but instead turn the volume down when it’s not necessary.

With the guy I used to live with, you could almost hear his inner voice constantly chiding him.

He was constantly on edge, despite having a business that did okay financially (he frequently left his laptop open on his financial docs).

I teach my adventurepreneurs the skill set to just witness their inner voice, not be bossed around by it.

When they develop these skills, they have a say over their inner monologue and their stress diminishes.

As such they can focus on making each day effective.

Build Your Sounding Board

Entrepreneurship is lonely.

It’s rare you’ll have someone around you that really understands your journey with an unbiased opinion.

Because of that, it’s very common for business owners to get trapped in their own heads with problems.

At some point working with me, my clients will offload what’s really going on in their heads.

A thousand problems spill forward, wrapped up in complicated emotions, and fears.

Through sharing these problems, the adventurepreneur is no longer eaten up by them.

Some of the problems that appear massive are revealed to be tiny, and they can drop them.

Some emotions are opened up and explored, and we learn to drop a lot of their own BS stories.

And finally some problems they were ignoring are brought to the surface.

This all means they can focus on what’s important now, rather than having all their mental RAM taken up by clutter.

Find someone - a coach, a therapist, a fellow adventurepreneur - and use them as your sounding board.

You’ll begin to restructure your days and get more shit done.

How To Make Today Count

  1. Prep your body for challenge

  2. Structure your days

  3. Build a better relationship with your inner voice

  4. Find a sounding board

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